Bloomfield Warhawks

Bloomfield Warhawks

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Student Tasered

On Tuesday, Septemeber 7th, a 17 year old student from Middletown High School was tasered for stealing food from the cafeteria. Watch the short video below and post your reactions. Did school resource officers take things too far? What could have been done instead? What consequence do you feel the boy should face?



Dezarell May said...

i feel this needs to be broad casted more openly beecause this needs to be handled seriously that is just out of control and taken to higher authority.

Shanicka Reynolds said...

Well I would have to look at the tape itself to make my solid judgement. There are a lot of things to consider but, then again when i think about it the video did say that there was more than one person trying to retain the boy. How many people do you really need to contain a pubescent boy? Was that boy really that strong that it took more than one person and a taser to stop him! And we all know stealing is definitley not a good thing but to taser the boy for stealing food from the cafeteria. Was the food item really that important? Why would anyone even think about physically hurting a student for stealing food. What happened to detentions and suspensions? This is a perfect scenario of authority abbusing power... it kind of reminded me of the teenage girl that was punched by a police officer for J- walking

Darren Campbell said...

I know people steal food from our cafeteria all the time and yes they get caught and pay for it but GEESH tasered!!! the kid took a burger and some fries not the money from the school register.

Sarai C. Peart said...

That's unacceptable. If I were the parent of that student, I would be quick to sue!! I'm quite sure did not commit that serious of an offense. There is no indication that the student was uncontrollable and that would be the last resort. Stealing cafeteria food is probably a result of hunger, not the work of a criminal mastermind.

Roshad Campbell said...

I believe that the kid should have not been tasered just because he stole food from the school. They should just made him pay for it or take it back. He if not just call his parents and tell them what happened. There is no need to taser a kid. Maybe if he was going on a rampage trying to take money from the school or hurt somebody. Then they should have taser him. wow Middletown School is going over board with this one.

Karina Foster said...

Yes, I strongly agree that the officers went way to far with the tasing. I feel this because ther are other ways to restrain people, especially a teenager. If I were in charge of punishing him I would make him clean the cafeteria for a month.

Sabrina M. said...

I believe that they shouldn't have went that far. They don't know the boys situation. His family is probably poor and don't have any food in their house so he goes to school wanting something to eat and ends up stealing because he doesn't have any money. I also agree with Sarai, that his parents should sue!

Samantha Washington said...

I believe this was blown completely out of proportion. The officers definatly took things too far by tasering the kid. They don't know what his circumstances at home could have been and this may have been the only alternative for him. The most that should have happened was they should have gave the kid a detention or something because it was only a beef patty and it wasnt that serious. If anything i feel like the officers should be punished because he could have got killed and it would have been all over some food.

Unknown said...

The police officers took things to far. This student, although what he did was wrong still should not have been tasered. There were other things that officials could have done to prevent things from getting this serious. The child probably was hungry reason being for stealing the food. Maybe he is going through financial problems at home not allowing him to be able to purchase school lunch. So as a result he steals. But, really tasered? Too far!!!

Chantelle Deer said...

I feel that this mishappening was taken way out of hand. The people who were involved shouold get introuble some how because if they are unable to handle a student without such weapons they aren't fit for their job. It wasn't that big of a big deal, they could have handled this situation very different.

Andre A said...

Umm i really dont think he should have got taserd. If anything suspended but taserd you took it to far. You dont know what he has been through he might not have ate in days. If i was the lunch lady i would have just let him eat it.. He was trying to take it for a reason.

Marvline Carter said...

I think that people in this world are just getting crazier and crazier. Why would you taser a kid for stealing food? The kid could have died from that. They could have sat down with him and thought of a simple punishment instead of physically hurting him. He could be going through financial troubles that are beyond his control. Those cops need a slap.

Krystle Jordan said...

I do not think there was any need for the police to taser the boy because of stolen food. Yes it was wrong for him to steal but is there solid evidence of him stealing or is it just someone else word against the other. I do not think the boy was that out of hand to be held down by multiple people and tasered at the same time. I believe the authority had taken the situation way out of hand and made it something that is not. It is not like the boy was pulling a weapon out of his pocket or threatening to hurt somebody.

Trey Taylor said...

I feel that this was taken way to far. There are other ways to restrain students. This matter really could of been handeled differently. I'm sure the parents of this student are very upset and as they should be. If this were my child i know I would be.

Isaiah Perry said...

This is ridiculous, there is no reason to taser a high school student. If i was the parent of this child I would demand an apology and firing of the person that tasered my son.

Tiffany Harrison said...

I feel that this student should not have been tased. I feel this way because i dont feel it was that serious and he wasnt a threat or armed. I feel all they had to do was just arrest him because its not like he wasnt listening to what the police were saying, they didnt even give him a chance. The police should be charged for that.

krystle jordan said...

@Shanicka- im sorry but i would not even ook at the taopes to see what was done i would just press charges against the police becausee there is no reason for him to get tasered over some lunch.