Bloomfield Warhawks

Bloomfield Warhawks

Friday, January 21, 2011

Report Cards for Parents?

I ran across this topic (literally) while at the gym watching the news. There are some lawmakers who want to make it mandatory for parents to become involved in their children's education, and they would also have a report card system to rate their involvement. What are your thoughts on this? How involved should parents be? (think of elementary, middle and high school levels)


Jamie Tobias said...

I feel that this is Necessary because in our school systems, there are students who are struggling t stay on top of their school work and the main reason is because of the lack of motivation given by parents. I feel that if parents become more involved, children will score higher on tests and class work

Sarai P. said...

I agree with Jamie. Parents drive their children to excell and a lack of interest can cause a child to fall behind. Value of an education really starts at home. Parents who don't feel the need to be involved need to realize the need.

Krystle said...

I feel that it is very improtant for parents to stay involved in their child's life especially if it is for their education. When parents become more involved their child may feel motivated and may see that if their parent is putting in effort to help them than they should put in the same amount of effort. Children would become more active that way and complete their homework assignments that are given to them.

Beautiful Brina said...

This is very necessary because it would get the parents more involved and get them motivated to motivate their kids in doing better in school!


Karina Foster said...

I feel that it's a very good idea for parents to be involved in their childs education. When I was first started high school, my gramzz was not involed. But as soon as my jr year came around gramzz became VERY involved. As I look back i notice that her involment was the best thing for me.

kahari l said...

I feel that this is very Necessary because if parents were more in involved in there child's school work the child would want to be more disciplined with there school work and would want to do better for them selves. also this can show that there parents that the child really can do it. This way maybe more schools can have higher test scores because the child's parent's pushed them to do better.

allichanner said...

A parents involvement plays a huge role in a childs academic success. I do feel that parent involvement should be mandatory. However a report card grading systems seems a bit much. In the elementary school level parent involvement should be greatest because this is where education begins and is most crucial. Don't get me wrong though, all grade levels are just as important and parental involvement in these grade levels are just as important.

krystle jordan said...

@Beautiful Brina- I do not think it motivates the parents. I'm not saying it's b ad or it cannot help their child, but i do not see how it would motivate the parent it should be motivating the child to see i have a good grade here and i need to keep up the good work. i do not believe it is the parent responsibility to be more concerned about a child grade than the actual child.