Bloomfield Warhawks

Bloomfield Warhawks

Friday, January 21, 2011

More on Dress Code...

Here is a video specifying what is allowed/not allowed for teachers to wear in the Waterbury school system. Reactions? Watch the video.

Waterbury Unveils Dress Code For Teachers
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Sarai P. said...

I thought the dress code was going to be much stricter and more like the student uniform we wear at our school. This is a practical dress code for teachers. One would assume the rules of it were being followed prior to it's official introduction. This dress code is not inconvenient because it characterizes simple modesty. It shouldn't be a hassle to look presentable as a teacher. Waterbury's Board of Education did the right thing.

Vanessa Davis said...

dress code will always be a topic. if teachers dont go to work dressed proffessionally then the're not professional or dint respect the work ethnic.

Krystle said...

The dress code should be enforced for teachers too since it was enforced for students. I do not think it is appropiate for teachers to come to work neat and professional. They should not come there dressed as if they are going out to the eat or the mall.

Beautiful Brina said...
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krystle jordan said...

I also agree with Vanessa because teachers need to look representable in a work place. If they do not go to work looking professional then they would not be respected at the work place.