Bloomfield Warhawks

Bloomfield Warhawks

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Happy New Year!

The 2011 year is fast approaching. Please list some of your new year's resolutions as well as your hopes for what this year brings for you.


Isaiah Perry said...

My New Year's resolution is to finish honor senior english with an A all year.

Trey Taylor said...

My New Years resolution is to make high honors. My hopes are to finish the year out strong in school and sports.

Sarai P. said...

I'm not quite sure of how I feel about New Year's resolutions. The new year shouldn't be a reason to better yourself. I think being a better person and doing good for yourself should be an everyday thing. I hope the new year brings a lot of happiness, peace and joy for myself and loved ones. That's what I'm looking forward to- especially because I don't do well with following resolutions. This is my year of graduation and I'm excited!

Karina Foster said...

My New Year's resolution is to continue to make the honor roll for the rest of tbe year. This well help me to leave high school with a better gpa and also pass the Clearinghouse and get a scholarship.

Dezarell M. said...

My new years resolution is to stop drinking soda, so far ive been holding strong.

Tiffany Harrison said...

My new years resolution is to continue to get good grades and i am trying my hardest to get to high honors. Also i am going to work hard to get my times down in track so i can get a track scholorship.

Krystle Jordan said...

My new years resolution is try to make high honors and to have faith in myself when i go to college because I really want to pass and do good.