Bloomfield Warhawks

Bloomfield Warhawks

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Goals for this school year...

Now that you only have a short period of time left in high school, what do you hope to accomplish by the end of the school year? You can talk about what you'd like to accomplish in just this class, other classes, sports, college aspirations or life in general.


Karina Foster said...

My goals for this year are:
-make honor roll every quarter
-get gpa to 3.0
-pass the clearinghouse
-get accepted to ma dream college
-pass honors senior english with an A
-graduate with honors

Chantelle Deer said...

Im with Karina...
My goals for this year are

-Graduate with honors
-Recieve honors in all four quaters
-Pass AP. Environmental Science with nothing lower than a B
-Get a higher rank on the class list

Andre A said...

My goals for this year
-are to excell in football.
-Get my grades up cuz im kinda slackin
- graduate from high school with honors
- be the first man from my family to go to college
- And have fun my senior year

Sarai P. said...

My goal for this school year is to have fun with the ones who I will miss after high school. This time in my life only comes once and I want to make the best of it. Although having fun is the first thing that comes to mind, I want to also keep my priorities in order! I just can't believe I am a senior.

Marvline Carter said...

My goals for this school year are
1-Get all As so i dont have to take any finals.
2-Have a great track season.
3-Get into a good college thats far from home.
4-Have a lot of fun for my last year of high school!

Krystle Jordan said...

My goals for this year are:
-Maintain my g.p.a. above a 3.0
-Graduate with honors
-Get accepted into UCONN or CCSU
-Pass my UCONN class so i recieve the credit
-Try to get some scholarships
-Have fun my senior year

Trey Taylor said...

My goals for this year are:
-pass honors pre cal
-make honors at least twice
-get a higher gpa
-get accepted to any college

Tiffany Harrison said...

What i hope to accomplish by the end of the school year is getting into a four year college with a full track scholorship. Also i want to get my G.P.A up to a 3.0 and graduate with honors.

Dezarell M. said...

My goals for the rest of the year is to stay focus and not take it easy in my classes just because i know it is second half and school is almost over.

John W said...

My Goals This Year:
-Get Accepted Into College
-Get Honors

Vanessa Davis said...

my goals are:
-stay postive & stay focused for the rest of the year
-try to enjoy this last school year
-try to bring up my gpa to a 3.0
-accomplish at least one life goal by graduation

krystle jordan said...

@Everyone else that i see that had commented on this post i a proud of you guys because i see everyone trying hard and doing very well in high school.